Dream Evil
- "Evilized"
Century Media 2003
Evil is on the loose again. Music becomes now more evilized after a nice debut try. Only half a year has passed after the release of Dragonslayer and now they're back with a new album. Those Swedes are making sugarless power metal, which I miss so much from the Scandinavian power metal bands.
Songs are real battle hymns amongst which headbanger "Made For Metal" is a real masterpiece (also lyrics that are like a prayer to the metal). So, after blazing and shooting three "bomber" pieces there comes the fourth one, a mid tempo title song full of melancholy. In darkened and obscured "Bad Dreams" one of the lead breaks is also done by using flenger. This gives the song a slight Rainbow touch in its middle section. Diversity guaranteed. Compositions are structured on a higher level, when comparing them with the band's debut. They are compact and very fluid. Production has also improved and captures even more life inside the sound, with bass line involvement playing the same important role as the other instruments. I mean, bass line can be well heard. Drum work is one of the most impressive things this album can offer. We have splashing drumbeat (double bass footwork is phenomenal) of a very well experienced man (Snowie Shaw), who uses all sorts of diverse rollings inside the songs. This gives the music even more power. Snowie uses only snare drum, double bass drums and he is surrounded by cymbals. He must be some kind of Martian behind his drum kit. Keyboards are added very cleverly and this makes the whole picture of this record even brighter (intro and covering backline themes in a ballad "Forevermore"). Everything fits together perfectly. Not to forget about roaring vocals (very powerful in all sequences), which also take the first prize here.
Those guys are really made for metal. Chemistry in the band must be working very well. This band doesn't hide his high ambitions. Full of creative energy, inspiration and fresh ideas. They keep on metalizing with no compromise, let us hope into their bright future.